April 9, 2008

Budget Transfer/ IMA – Resolution #69 of 2008 Seneca Tpke-Commercial Drive GEIS

Upon recommendation of the Highway Superintendent, the following Resolution was introduced for adoption by Councilwoman Krupa and seconded by Councilman Reynolds:

(RESOLUTION NO. 101 OF 2008)

WHEREAS, Town Board Resolution No. 69 of 2008 did, through the execution of an Inter-municipal Agreement (IMA) authorize the Town of New Hartford to procure Inflow and Infiltration (I/I) offset credits from the Village of New York Mills; and

WHEREAS, the cost to the Town for the 80,726 gallons of offset credits, per the IMA of Resolution No. 69 of 2008, was $31,009.55; and

WHEREAS, as the I/I removal was a mitigation project for offsite issues of environmental significance in the Seneca Turnpike-Commercial Drive Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) corridor, funds from the Seneca Turnpike-Commercial Drive GEIS’ Mitigation Fees, Sanitary Sewer category shall be used to procure the offset credits; and

WHEREAS, an authorization to transfer funds from the Seneca Turnpike-Commercial Drive GEIS Fees In Lieu of Mitigation and a corresponding account increase in the 2008 Town operating budget is required;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of New Hartford did execute an Inter-municipal Agreement with the Village of New York Mills (Resolution No. 69 of 2008) for the purposes of securing 80,000 gallons of offset flow credits; and

RESOLVED that the monies to pay the Village of New York Mills for the 80,726 gallons of offset credits shall be secured from the Seneca Turnpike-Commercial Drive GEIS Fees In Lie of Mitigation fund; and

RESOLVED that the Town Board does direct the Town Bookkeeper to transfer $31,009.55 from the Seneca Turnpike-Commercial Drive GEIS Mitigation fees (FILM) into the Sewer Fund of the 2008 operating budget; and

RESOLVED that the Town Board does further direct that the following accounts be increased by $31,009.55:

                        Appropriations        -       SS8110.4

                        Revenue                  -       SS5031.1.

The Board members voted upon roll call, resulting as follows:

Councilwoman Krupa               -           Aye

                                    Councilman Reynolds               -           Aye

                                    Councilman Woodland -           Aye

                                    Councilman Payne                    -           Aye

                        Supervisor Reed                       -           Aye.

Thereafter, the Resolution was declared unanimously carried and duly ADOPTED.